Saturday, December 31, 2005

Uselessness and An Interesting encounter

Two useless sleepers, hungrybunny and unshavenpuppet left dearmedearbirds all alone, awake, bored and just bored.

Lavender splashed. One unsplashed sleeping arm but never mind she will have one unmoisturised arm.

Bored. Maybe i shall try hanging myself with mee-sua.

When is the rooster going to sing and wake the two useless up.

Recently i heard a story about a girlfriend whom dumped her boyfriend because he didnt like her pet dog. Its quite funny. I imagined, oh you dont like my dog?! oh....... im going to break up with you. How can you be so unloving towards animals. What an excellent reason to break up with your partner. Feed me more with funny stories, i enjoy them.

Oh, i just recalled that i was at the coffee shop earlier around hungry's estate. I havent visited her place for long and when i came i was pretty entertained by her interesting neighbourhood people. I saw an middle aged man carrying a haversack, holding a rolled up newspaper, beating the bushes around him. Next, he warmed up his right arm by turning it in a 360 degree circle, fast, faster and faster and faster............... and then kung fu around to nobody but himself. He made me laugh, but it made me laughed too when the tables of people around him didnt not gave a moment of bother. They didnt bother like he wasnt there. I concluded that they would be at the coffee shop everynight and the kung fu man will do his kung fu everynight, so everynight to them its the same everynight. That was quite funny. He did his thing, and they did their thing. It was quite interestingly entertaining for me.

Anyway, im still bored. Can they just wake up? Why must they sleep.....? IM going to pounce on them at 7 sharp!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

a slice of me

So much about friends and friendships.

I have never shared that much inner thoughts about my opinions on my beliefs in friendships to anyone or friends for i have never see the need to share that and let it be and if its meant to be, be the way i like things to be.

Yet very naturally i shared with two. Over a good few cigarette, a cup of sour plum juice too sweet and a cup of teh ice too sweet. Perhaps i already knew inside me that two are people whom if i was willing to share, they would not be able to not understand or pretend to be, so i shared. And perhaps i felt because they were so and am grateful to be able to consider them as my friends outta the many people i have known and been introduced to and by here and there in my life. For the meaningful and deeper connections inside my heart with two. I shared a slice of myself to my two.

To me, i dont have to understand you to help and care for you, to lend you a listening ear or hand. But i have to want to know and understand you and vice versa, to be your friend.

So i sliced a slice of myself for the two.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Weird day

I had a alittle weird day today.

Which i dont exactly like...... makes me feel like vominting alittle. I dont really like feeling such feelings, i feel like i wanna shower and and shower them off. Like some bird shit fallen on me.... I dont like.

I dont want to go into trying to explain the whole incident and the details but i have something i clearly concluded in my mind.

I feel if anyone have left their partner or someonewhomelovedthem for someone else, and managed to remain friends with he or she despite the hurt and pain given. They should treasure the friendship, the fact that it didnt have to end badly and that he or she loves you enough to let you go without any sense of hatred. If later in life, you had your ithoughthe/shewastheoneformes and feel that your ex partner is at the end the one you really want and wish to have he or she back. Please respect the fact that he or she might have moved on in life, changed in their own ways in whichever aspects, and that they might not be able to love you back the way they have once loved you dearly.

Now, i say. I appreciate the fact he came back to tell me he wants me back at the end of the day. But i have moved on in life, changed and grew in ways i believe have made me a better and stronger person for myself and life. Im glad my love has finally been appreciated but i am sorry too for i can no longer love you the way i once loved you dearly. Please do not be angry for i cant love you back or give me childish emotional blackmail rubbish like soimnotgoodenoughforyounow...... I never and would never meant it that way, dont get me mistaken nor give me those unnecessary ugly feelings i dont need.

The least that could be done would be the following 3s.
1. remain just friends
2. do nothing
3 get lost and outta my life the day you decided to leave for someone else

For i dont need and wish to be given any uneccessary ugly feelings or attend to childish emotional blackmail.

I dont like bird shit to fall on me.

Another point, if anyone wants to have their forsaken and abandoned love back but gives childish emotional blackmail even before they can retrive it back.

It says alot, and enough. At least for me.

So, if you happen to be a forsakenabandonedbirdwantedback, please love yourself alittle more and think carefully my dear birds. For you dont need and want to be hurt again.

And Lastly,

Or, if you happen to be a wantforsakenabandonedbirdbackbird that might happen to read this post one day. I hope you be able to put thebirdyouwantback above yourself and think the best for he or she, consider if you could make sure never to forsake and abandon he or she again and if you could give he or she what she really needs and wants from love. If not, I hereby wish you will not be a bad bird by not trying to mess up again and further.

Good luck.


Monday, December 26, 2005

Finally christmas is over, at least christmas christmas is over. And its christmas that brought me so much feelings and thoughts for just this season. A pensive merry little christmas for me.

And these thoughts i will perhaps keep it for alittle later.

Friday, December 23, 2005

alittle disgusting Christmas.

Its chirstmas eve eve. But its feels so strange to me. Hmmm... actually alittle disgusting and i dont know why. Anyway, its gonna be christmas soon in two days time. Have you bought your presents? Have you ordered your turkey? I heard the turkeys are running out everywhere, i have no idea why turkeys, why not hainan chicken? Santa did not say he only eats turkey. For all you know santa is hainanese. Ya, hainanese christian.

Have you, have you? have yous.

I have nots.

I dont feel like buying presents for some people. I dont want to write cards to some people. I dont really know who the some people really are because i dont go into thinking who they are. If i write to you, means i write to you. If i dont write one for you, dont be sad. Maybe i just forgot, maybe im just cranky, maybe i dont dont feel like. It might mean something about the level of feelings of the friendship or whatsoevership, it might really mean nothing at all. Whichever way it might be, doesnt matter. So, i hope if you happen to be one whom didnt get a greeting from me, please dont bother to be sad in any little way. Its okie.... really.

I guess i just dont feel like christmasing this year, just like i dont feel like eating dumplings today or drinking ribena.

I dont really feel like saying merry christmas in general because i dont feel christmasy. But ill greet some people merry christmas not because i want to, because i still want to make that little effort in acknowleding their chirstmas moods and that little effort to make them feel acknowledged for their moods, hoping it would make them alittle happier because i know they care about me and wish i would feel as joyful as they would be. So, because they care, i care to make that effort for this coming season for i want them to be happy too.


hello. hello?